“Remember when you wanted what you now have?” This quote has been replaying in my head all day, which has resulted in me crying multiple times. I’ve been overwhelmed in gratitude, especially today. Something you may not know about me is that I am an avid podcast listener. I have them playing all day every day. They are how I start my morning, they are with me on walks, while I do chores, and as I wind down for the evening. My favorite podcast is titled ‘Hurdle’ by Emily Abbate. Hurdle is a wellness focused podcast where she sits down with individuals to talk about their big wins, tough moments, and everything in between. On the show you can find vulnerability, motivation, and canid discussion with everyone from top athletes, to aspiring entrepreneurs on what it really takes to follow your passions. Her mission is to inspire you to be your best self, move with intension and have some fun along the way. To say I’m a big fan is an understatement! I’ve been following her for around 2.5 years, I have listened to every podcast she has put out into the world, and I frequently listen to reruns. Hurdle has changed my life. Time and time again she has inspired me to reach for goals I was too afraid to say out loud (one of which was studying abroad), help implement wellness practices (consistently moving my body, journaling, reflection, and setting boundaries), and inspires me to be a better human every day. I have grown into who I am because of her podcast. I’m inspired every time I listen. Every. Time. On the home page of my website, I have a quote from her “you didn’t come this far to only come this far”, which is one of her mantras that I have adopted.
Something I have learned from Emily is to ask for the things we want, whether that is in our personal or professional lives. If you don’t ask the question, you’ll never get an answer. It doesn't matter if the answer turns out to be 'no'. A 'no' becomes an opportunity to pivot, learn and grow. Life needs to happen for us, not to us. Well yesterday I had the opportunity to ask a question that I couldn’t pass up on. I saw that Emily was in Florence Italy, which is where I am studying abroad for the semester. She was originally supposed to be in London for the marathon, but was unable to go because of injury. I messaged her on Instagram asking if I could maybe meet her to get a photo and an autograph. I did not expect a response, but to my delight she messaged me back! I expected the message to say 'no, she couldn't make it work', and I wouldn't have blamed her. I was shocked when I read that not only was she willing to meet me for a picture and autograph; she wanted to grab coffee with me. This morning I met her for coffee at a café by the Duomo, and we chatted for about an hour. She was so kind, and interested in my life and what I had to say. She laughed as she signed my journal saying it was her one of her first autographs, and that I better save it for when she is famous. We got a lovely photo, and before we departed, she hugged me and said, “thank you for being a Hurdler”. Now if you know me, you know I cry pretty easily, so it is no surprise that I began to cry in this moment. I am filled with such gratitude that she would meet me, and take time to make me feel special. As I cry, she begins to as well, we hug, say our farewells, and we depart. I am grateful that I asked the question. I am grateful that I now have what I once wanted. I am grateful for today. If there is something in your life that you are wanting, ask the question. You might just get more than what you dreamed.
Emily, if you read this, thank you thank you thank you! You have changed my life over the years, and I am so grateful for our meeting.
x -A grateful Hurdler, Sara